Why do some foods increase feelings of hunger?

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Not all foods can provide the immediate feeling of satiety that we seek when we eat. And that can be very dangerous, as it can make the person increase the amount of food in the meals. In this way, many end up developing overweight or some disease related to food, such as diabetes or high cholesterol. That's why we made a list of the foods that increase hunger for you to avoid in those moments when you seek satiety as soon as possible.

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Foods that increase feelings of hunger

  • Sugar

Those who are very hungry need to know that they will not be able to quench their hunger with chocolates, cakes or sweets in general. This is because the consumption of sweets causes a sudden increase in blood glucose in our body, without having time to generate satiety. That's why people always want to eat more sweets, and they don't even notice that they are full.

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  • white pasta

It is a very common mistake to associate the consumption of pasta with the feeling of satiety, because if that were the case, people would not eat so much on a pizza all-you-can-eat. In fact, white pasta, in general, does not give immediate satiety. And this is due to the fact that, like sweets, wheat flour is converted into glucose in our body. With that, we eat a lot, but we believe that we are still hungry.

  • processed snacks

If excess sugar is bad for our body, excess salt can also cause various damages. Not to mention that foods with a lot of sodium can also make it difficult to feel full. This happens a lot after consuming industrialized snacks, which contain a high sodium content. very high, which greatly benefits the food industry, as there is an incentive to eat much more than what is due.

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