Fight between dogs and cats: Know what to do at this time

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First, before knowing how to act in this situation, you need to know why this happens. Dogs and cats are one of the main pets of most people and many live quietly together, being best friends.

But why do fights between cats and dogs happen? Dogs tend to descend from wolves, so their extinct nature is still present even after years of domestication. Therefore, it is common for dogs to attack smaller animals. However, learn how to avoid a fight between dogs and cats.

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Many people tend to put dogs and cats together without having had any kind of interaction before, and the depending on the breed and personality of the animal, they tend to stress and cause a possible fight. It is important to have a presentation among the animals, and first of all, to have a research on the breed, if it has affinities to share the environment with other animals like cats.

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Even if there are no fights, the cat will feel threatened in the environment due to the dominant pose of the dog, and this will make him stressed and suspicious. The main tip is to gradually introduce the cat to your dog, put the cat in a room and leave it there for a few days, until the dog starts to get used to the smell of the feline.

Scolding the dog and cat in case of a fight

When this type of conflict occurs, it is important that the tutors are present to be able to defuse the situation and reprimand the fight. When there is no scolding at the time of the fight, both the dog and cat will understand that that situation can happen more often.

However, be careful not to startle them when you scold them, be firm but don't hit or yell at them. Separate them and leave each one in its corner. It is important that each animal has its own private space, so that each one understands that the environment does not have to be hostile.

Living together may not be easy at first, but with patience and love and affection, everything can be resolved.

Like this post? Want to know more? Check out: See now 3 super docile dog breeds that will brighten up your home environment

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