Political Correctness: Can Thinking Before Speaking Generate Cognitive Exhaustion?

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The ability to think and express oneself in a complex and argumentative way is an extremely relevant part of the civilizing process. As advances in understanding of society, as a concept, taking into account the diversities it presents, the discourse of “political correctness” has become even more present. This is basically a “self-censorship” to avoid marginalizing, offending or even committing crimes during a speech. However, new research reveals that thepolitically correct” can lead to mental fatigue.

To learn more about the hypothesis about the existence of this correlation, check out the full article!

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Political correctness and the need for society

It is undeniable, when analyzing, the advances of society towards the so-called "politically correct", especially when we take into account the importance of technology and social networks for civilization current. In one way or another, the high impact generated by social networks was substantial in enabling more people to be even more careful in their statements and their consequences.

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The fear generated by the immense repercussions that an online video can cause, for example, motivated many people to be politically correct in their speeches. However, on the other hand, it is necessary to consider those people who, out of respect for existing differences in the social environment, opt for political correctness because they consider it to be the right thing to do.

However, especially in relation to the first group mentioned, it is possible to identify a high mental effort not to commit any crime or mistake during their speeches. In these cases, it was possible to verify that “political correctness”, if excessive, can lead to cognitive exhaustion.

Why does it happen?

This change in speech behavior reflects a level of sensitivity, or tolerance, towards others, as well as an increased effort to understand differences in opinion and viewpoints.

In view of this, this excessive self-monitoring ends up demanding self-control that can cause exhaustion. Even more so if you take into account the fear of “online cancellation”.

However, “politically correct” behavior needs to be encouraged, even if it leads to mental fatigue initially. Only in this way will we be able to advance respectfully as a society.


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