Meet the startup that facilitates company legalization processes

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Anyone who has ever tried to formalize a company knows how difficult this process is. And, according to the Global Business Complexity Index, Brazil is the most difficult country to open a business.

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Thinking about it, two foreigners decided to create a startup to facilitate all this required bureaucracy, so Company Hero was born in 2016. Miklos Grof, who is Hungarian, and Diego Izquierdo, who is Chilean, felt firsthand the complexity of opening a company in the country, and that's why they decided to create the startup to simplify the process for others entrepreneurs.

Since then, the startup has already helped more than 15 thousand companies and 1 thousand offices, simplifying their legalization processes. They offer a unique service in the country, and extremely complete, with all the necessary help to create, regularize, close and protect the company.

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Learn more about Company Hero

In 2021, the company had already made the process even easier with the use of APIs, bots and crawlers to speed up time-consuming processes with public agency portals and systems. Now, the startup has launched a technology service that facilitates the work of accounting and law firms.

Thus, the PaaS (Paralegal-As-A-Service) platform has several specialists that help offices to provide services much faster. Among them are the opening, alteration or closure of a company, activation of a tax address, access to documents such as IPTU, and much more, all in less than 24 hours.

“By using our platform, offices become more competitive, both for the opportunity to reduce costs in processes of legalization, as well as expanding its coverage to all states, without having to expand or overload the desk. And, even more important, they gain time to focus on the most valuable result for the business: customer acquisition and loyalty”, points out Grof.

The company is currently available in 13 states and 21 regions of the country, but intends to be in all states by the end of the year. And for that, the company wants to launch a support round of investments, which will help raise capital for its expansion.

But the pretensions do not stop there. Also by the end of 2022, the company intends to reach the mark of 300 accounting offices and advocacy, in addition to helping more than 15 thousand companies in their formalization and unlocking more than 5 thousand processes cool.

Consequently, they will need a larger staff for this. Therefore, the startup intends to generate another 100 jobs this year.

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