Forty-year-old Millennials reinvent the art of travel and transform tourism

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In recent years, the oldest millennials began to enter the forties, providing a better visualization of their behaviors. More data is now available on how this generation sees the world, and it is already known, for example, that Millennials' travel habits have redefined what it means to travel.

The most traveling generation

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By definition, Millennials are people who were born between 1981 and 1996, therefore being the generation that saw all the development of the internet from scratch.

Thus, people of this generation today make up a large part of the adult and economically adult population. With that, most of these people already have some financial autonomy.

This, in a way, ends up influencing the data that Millennials are today the generation that travels the most in the world. Including, they are ahead of both the older ones, or Generation X, how much of the younger ones, who are the Generation Z.

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With that, they gained the power to change the way the market understands what travel is today.

According to one search from American Express Travel’s, millennials don’t travel just for the sake of getting to know a specific place. In fact, there is a connection with the idea of ​​earlier healing, peace and replenishment of energy.

In this way, they are much more interested in accessing spas and hotels that provide a relaxing experience.

Traveling to post photo on Instagram?

The research also showed that social networks assume an important dynamic in the decision to travel by people of the Millennial generation.

To begin with, they know most destinations through social media, both through Instagram posts and TikTok videos. Therefore, many claim to go to places that look beautiful in photos and videos.

This caused the market to start changing the way they approach travel. Currently, the focus is no longer so much on the tourist attractions, but on the personal experience of these people in these places.

In this way, the attempt is not just to offer a ticket or accommodation, but to provide the tourist with a life experience.

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