Black beans have high production and prices should drop

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A relief for the Brazilian table! Due to the high production of beans in the 2021/2022 harvest, the grain should drop in price in the coming months. The estimate is that 619,300 tons of grain will be produced this year, with the usual 520,000 tons.

An increase of 100 thousand tons in the harvest is greater than the demand, which can considerably lower the price of the product on the shelves. This estimate was made by the Brazilian Supply Company (Conab), and published on the 27th in the AgroConab bulletin.

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About 70% of black bean production is concentrated in Paraná, and the cultivation of this type of bean, in its greatest quantity, generally happens in the first two harvests. “With more attractive market prices for producers at the beginning of the year, when compared to the color variety, there was a reversal of behavior among Paraná producers this year. In Paraná, the cultivation is mainly carioca in the second harvest. However, in the current season, the choice of black beans was predominant in the first two seasons. of the state", explains Sergio DeZen, director of Agricultural Information and Agricultural Policies at Conab.

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Great harvest for black beans, and uncertainties for carioca beans. This type of grain still suffers from high prices in the market, due to the uncertainties of its harvest, since the climatic issues for its cultivation are not being so favorable.

This also influences the greater consumer demand for black beans, since the price for this type of product is already falling, after the January high. Furthermore, the Conab market analyst, João Ruas, said that black beans allow for a longer storage, when compared to carioca beans, therefore, the producer is able to sell the grain for more time.

Considering the variety of bean colors available in Brazil, Conab estimates that production of grains for this year is 3.1 million tons, against a common consumption of 2.85 million by population.

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