Brazilian livestock. Characteristics of Brazilian livestock

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Brazil is considered an industrialized country, at the same time that it occupies one of the first places in agricultural and livestock production.

THE livestock plays a great role in Brazilian exports, in addition to supplying the domestic market. It is an economic activity developed in rural areas that consists of raising animals (such as cattle) in order to sell them, thus meeting the needs of the breeder's family.

In the case of cattle, in addition to meat, other raw materials are extracted, such as leather (shoe production), skin (clothing), bones (making buttons) and many others.

Fundamentally, the activity in focus is linked to the raising of cattle (cattle), although the production of swine, poultry, horses, sheep, buffaloes is also considered. This branch has as main responsibility to make available to the market foods such as meat, milk and eggs, the basis of the human diet.

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This activity is divided into two types, the beef and dairy cattle, both can be developed in two ways, the intensive and extensive livestock farming.

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beef cattle consists of raising animals for the purpose of providing meat. In extensive production, the animals are raised free in large areas, feed on pastures and do not receive greater care, in on the other hand, in the intensive, the animals are managed in small enclosures with a diet based on balanced rations specific for fattening or milk. Dairy farming is linked to dairy production and dairy products.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Brazilian Livestock"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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