Tourism in the South Region

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The South Region has a variety of beautiful natural landscapes, in addition to its architectural composition, inherited from the immigrants established there, creates a real tourist attraction, as it escapes the reality of other states and regions.

Other attractions are the traditional festivals in the European colonies, such as dancing, cooking and all forms of cultural manifestations preserved by European immigrants.
However, nature is what enchants the most, in this sense the south has a lot to offer, followed by some of the best known and most visited natural sights.
- Iguaçu National Park, where the Iguaçu Falls are located, considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
- Camboriu Spa
- Aparados da Serra National Park
- Jesuit-Guarani Ruins
Then, in a synthesized and regionalized way, the presentation of the tourist points of the three states that make up the Southern Region.
Corral Islands
Superagui National Park
Nhundiaquara River
Itacolomi Island
Parati jump
Our Lady of Bom Sucesso Mother Church

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Curitiba, a planned city.
waterfalls of Iguaçu
Rio Grande do Sul
Itaimbenzinho Canyon
Malacara Canyon
Faxinalzinho Canyon
Canyon Fortaleza
Serra Geral National Park
Porto Alegre, a modern city.
Solitude Beach
Arroio Teixeira Beach
Balneário Mostardense Beach
Lagoa do Peixe National Beach
Santa Catarina
Charms of Southern Santa Catarina
beach of the hole
Juniper Beach
Canto Grande beach
Esteleiro Beach
Pereque beach
Araçá beach
Cardoso Beach
Mariscal Beach
church hill
Seven Falls River
Bride's Veil Waterfalls
Serra do Corvo Branco
Cachoeira do Avencal Pedra Furada

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

FREITAS, Eduardo de. "Tourism in the Southern Region"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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