First aid: what are they, procedures, techniques

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First aid they are interventions that must be made of mannerfast, right after the accident or sudden illness, which aim to prevent the problem from worsening until a specialized assistance service arrives at the scene. These interventions are very important as they can prevent complications and even prevent an individual's death.

Before any first aid procedure, it is important that the rescuer bears in mind the need to:

  • Keep calm;

  • Keep the curious away;

  • Ensure emergency service is called.

Useful telephone numbers in case of emergency



Fire Department


Dial-intoxication (Anvisa)


Civil defense


Military police


It is very important to point out that some people are not prepared to perform first aid and, therefore, ideally, let someone else carry out the proper procedures and help in another way, such as by seeking help.

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omission of help

Failure to help is considered crime

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in our country. According to Decree-Law No. 2,848, of December 7, 1940, failure to provide assistance to a person at risk may result in arrest or fine. See art. 135 that addresses the topic:

Art. 135 - Failure to provide assistance, when possible to do so without personal risk, to an abandoned or lost child, or to an invalid or injured person, to helplessness or in grave and imminent danger; or not to ask, in these cases, for the help of the public authority:

Penalty - detention, from one to six months, or fine.

Single paragraph - The penalty is increased by half if the omission results in bodily harm of a serious nature, and tripled if it results in death.

First aid in case of burns

Burns are relatively common situations in our daily lives. They are classified, according to the damage caused, into first-degree burn, second-degree burn, and third-degree burn. First-degree burns only affect the epidermis (outermost layer of the skin), while the second degree affects the dermis and epidermis, while the third degree also affects the tissue below the skin.

In case of a light burn, it is important to place the burnt area in running water.
In case of a light burn, it is important to place the burnt area in running water.

The first step in case of a burn is to remove the person from the area close to the heat source. Once this is done, the lesion must be evaluated. If the damage is slight, it is recommended to wash the area with running water or apply saline compresses to reduce the temperature of the area. If bubbles appear, they should never be punctured.

If, when evaluating the injury, you find that the damage is serious, it is essential to seek medical help immediately. Another important point is never to pass any homemade substance or even medication on the spot without being recommended by a doctor.

First aid in cases of poisoning

Poisonings occur as a result of ingestion,inhalation or contactwith the skin of certain substances. Toxic plants, contaminated food, cleaning products, medicines, soda, insecticides and anticides are examples of products that can cause poisoning. Intoxications can be identified by causing, for example, irritation in the eyes, throat and nose, profuse salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, drop in temperature, asphyxia, dizziness and somnolence.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to identify the agent causing the poisoning and request specialized care. The person, at that time, must be left immobile and if the intoxication is by petroleum products and corrosives, such as caustic soda, bleach, removes rust, ammonia, gasoline, kerosene and benzene, cannot be provoked vomiting.

Read too: toxic plants

First aid in case of a venomous snake bite

Some snakes have toxins that can lead to death, so prompt care is essential.
Some snakes have toxins that can lead to death, so prompt care is essential.

Some snakes are capable of injecting toxins that can cause great damage to the body and even death.. Therefore, in the event of an accident with snakes, it is important to carry out some procedures quickly.

First aid consists of washing the bite area with soap and water, placing the injured person in a comfortable position, preferably leaving the victim lying down with the affected area at a level below the heart and taking the victim to medical attention more fast. It is essential not to apply any substance, not make cuts on the spot, nor tie or make tourniquets. Another important point is not to let the victim get around by their own means. If possible, take the snake for identification.

Read too:Brazilian venomous snakes

First aid in case of choking

O choke it occurs when food or an object blocks the airways, preventing breathing. By preventing the victim from breathing, a quick rescue is necessary to avoid death from suffocation.

The Heimlich maneuver aims to eliminate the object that is blocking the airway.
The Heimlich maneuver aims to eliminate the object that is blocking the airway.

Initially, the rescuer must calm the victim and then apply the technique known as Heimlich maneuver. In this maneuver, the rescuer stands just behind the victim and places an arm around the victim's abdomen. One hand is closed over the pit of the stomach and the other hand is placed on top of the first and compresses it. Compression movements should be made inward and upward, allowing the object that is blocking the airway to be eliminated.

In babies, you should place the child face down on your forearm, leaving the head lower than the body, and give five strokes using the fist of your hand. Turn the child upside down, supporting his/her head and lowering it lower than the body and observe if the object has left. If the object has not come out, apply five quick chest compressions between the line of the nipples using the two largest fingers of your hand. If the maneuvers don't work, get help quickly and keep trying the procedure.

First aid in case of fractures

We say that there was a fracture when the bone loses its continuity. The fracture can be exposed when the skin is broken and the bone can be seen, and closed when the skin does not break. In both cases, professional medical help is essential for the bone recovery to be done properly.

In case of fracture, the injured area must be immobilized.
In case of fracture, the injured area must be immobilized.

First, the rescuer must immobilize the affected region to prevent the movement of fragments of injured bones. One should not try to place the bone in place, as this can aggravate the condition if done improperly. In case of open fractures, it is necessary to try to control, if present, bleeding with a clean cloth that should be placed over the site and pressed. Remember that back and neck fractures need more attention and movement should only be done by professionals.

Read too:Difference between fracture, sprain and dislocation

First aid in case of fainting

O fainting characterized as a transient loss of consciousness and, contrary to what many people think, it is generally not a situation that is considered life threatening. Fainting can be caused by different causes, such as hypoglycemia, tiredness, strong emotions, intense heat, pain and sudden changes in position. The biggest problems associated with fainting are the fact that falling can lead to the development of injuries.

Although fainting is a situation that worries many people, it is generally not life threatening.
Although fainting is a situation that worries many people, it is generally not life threatening.

When witnessing a faint, some measures can be taken, such as laying the victim down, loosening their clothes, ensuring that the environment is airy and elevating the lower limbs. If the person feels the sensation that they are going to pass out, they can be advised to sit down and put their head between their knees or lie down.

First aid in case of a seizure

At convulsions can be defined as crisesepileptic in which an impairment of the motor system is observed, usually triggering a series of violent muscle contractions, salivation, paleness, blue lips and loss of consciousness.

In case of seizures, some measures are important, the first of which is trying to prevent the victim from falling helplessly. Try to lay the victim down and move objects that could be dangerous away from him. Your clothes should be loosened and your face turned to the side to avoid choking.

It should not interfere with movements or place objects between the victim's teeth. When the seizure passes, keep the victim lying down until consciousness regains consciousness. If the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, it is essential to call the emergency department.
By Ma. Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
First aid: what are they, procedures, tips

First aid: what are they, procedures, tips

first aid is immediate and provisional interventions which are intended to maintain the vital fun...

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First aid: what are they, procedures, techniques

First aid: what are they, procedures, techniques

First aid they are interventions that must be made of mannerfast, right after the accident or sud...

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