What is transplantation. Organ transplantation

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O transplant, also called transplantation, it is the transfer of cells, tissues or organs from one person (donor) to another person (recipient). The first transplant that is known dates from the II century; Ç. in India. At that time, skin was transplanted from one region of a person's body to another region of the same person's body, as a treatment for burns and serious injuries.

After years of failure, transplantation between different people was only possible in 1954 between two identical twin brothers. At that time, doctors already knew that the recipient's immune system could reject the organs and the the lack of immunosuppressive drugs prevented the donation of organs to those who did not have twins identical. After much research, drugs that could be used as immunosuppressive drugs and, finally, the transplant could be done between people who were not twins identical.

Anyone can become an organ donor, as long as they do not have diseases in their history that impair the functioning of the organ to be donated. To be a donor it is not necessary to leave anything in writing, but it is extremely important that the person communicate the wish to their family. It is important to remember that some organs can be donated while alive, such as one of the kidneys, part of the liver and part of the bone marrow. Patients with brain death are considered potential donors, according to CFM Resolution No. 1480/97, but after brain death, organ donation can only be done with consent familiar.

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In order for the transplant to be successful, the organ must be transplanted as quickly as possible, so that its loss does not occur. Before all transplants, genetic mappings of the donor and recipient are performed, because the more similar they are genetically, the fewer drugs are needed and the longer the organ lasts.

After the transplant, periodic consultations with the doctor are carried out and if there is any type of rejection, the patient may be offered a new transplant.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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MORAES, Paula Louredo. "What is transplantation"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/transplante.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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