Large majority: pleonasm?

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There are many expressions in the Portuguese language that, when uttered, carry characteristics that may contradict the grammatical precepts. An example of such an occurrence? The pleonasm. There is such a thing as “plan ahead”, “repeat again”, “final finish”, and so on. These are expressions whose presence of two elements ends up interfering with the quality of the speech, since one of them just repeats the same idea expressed in the previous one, and is therefore unnecessary.

Based on this principle, in the conception of many users of the language, a common expression, now represented by the “large majority”, represents a case of pleonasm. But is such a position really well founded? So, given this reality, let us occupied ourselves with knowing the characteristics that nourish the expression in vogue, in order to find out if yes or if not.

Based on a more accurate analysis of this expression, we momentarily realize that "majority" leads us to an idea related to “greater number”, which, in turn, is associated with “large”, whose meaning also indicates something that overlaps between the too much. Therefore, we are not lacking in characteristics that we are facing a language addiction (in this case, pleonasm), right?

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However, it should be noted that this is a misconception, based on the assumption that if half, added to one more, constitutes the majority, the vast majority would be much more than that.

Upon such conclusion, the use of this expression becomes perfectly applicable, without any harm being caused to our beautiful language. To observe what we are saying, see an excerpt taken from article 47, present in the Federal Constitution of 1998:
Art. 47. Unless constitutionally provided otherwise, the deliberations of each House and its Commissions will be taken by a majority of votes, present the absolute majority of its members.
In it we see the presence of the expressions “majority” and “absolute majority”. Therefore, there is nothing inconvenient and inappropriate when we use expressions such as “large majority”, “expressive majority”, among others.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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