Tips to avoid Income Tax fines in 2023

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Discover common mistakes and effective strategies for a smooth income tax return.

Per Daniele Beldon de Araujo
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Navigating the complexities of Income Tax can be challenging. Understanding what can lead to fine mesh and how to avoid it is essential for any taxpayer. Therefore, below, we bring you the main reasons that can lead to fine mesh and tips to avoid them.

Common reasons for falling into fine mesh

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  1. Omission of income: It is common among people who have had more than one job in a year. All income must be declared, including rent and income from dependents.
  2. Error in declaring dependents: Declaring dependents without a real dependency relationship or repeating dependents in declarations from spouses or partners can cause problems.
  3. Appearance of wealth: The IRS checks social networks to cross-reference luxurious lifestyle information with declared income. Inconsistencies can raise suspicion.
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  5. Error in medical expense information: Increasing medical expenses to deduct more tax without adequate proof is a common mistake.
  6. Data inconsistency when crossing information: Errors in the information provided by companies, such as an incorrect CPF number or changes to the income statement without notifying the employee, can also lead to fraud.

Tips to avoid fine mesh

Beware of omitting dependent income: Make sure you correctly declare the income of all dependents.

Check the information and do not omit income: Check all financial information and ensure that it is aligned with the data reported by companies and entities.

  1. Attention with Carnê-Leão: Remember to import the information from Carnê-Leão into your annual Income Tax declaration.
  2. Verification of the pre-filled declaration: If you choose this option, review all automatically filled data to ensure its accuracy.
  3. Required documentation: Keep all necessary documents on hand to avoid discrepancies in the declared information.
  4. Distinction between PGBL and VGBL: There are two types of pension plans with different tax treatments and must be declared correctly.
  5. Correct declaration of alimony: Pay attention to changes in the alimony income statement.

Stay tuned!

Staying informed and attentive to details is essential to avoid falling into the Income Tax trap. Common mistakes, such as omitting income and incorrectly declaring expenses, can be easily avoided with care and attention.

Reviewing data, keeping documentation organized and being aware of changes in tax rules are key practices for a smooth declaration without surprises.

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