Research answers whether having children is synonymous with happiness or not

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In the past, people didn't think much about having children or not. In fact, every marriage that began had this as a primary objective.

However, with the passage of time and the emergence of advanced contraceptive methods, many people began to consider more seriously whether or not to have offspring.

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On the one hand, we have a majority of people who dream of having children and pursue the tradition of starting a family. On the other hand, there is a group of people who are convinced that not having children is the solution to a happy life.

To try to understand this debate, recent research set out to answer whether having children is really essential to achieving happiness or not. Check out the results!

How do people who have decided not to have children feel?

A study published by the website The Conversation indicated that people who decided on their own not to have children feel satisfied with their decisions.

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In the survey, both men and women say they feel “in control of their destinies” and claim to lead a “more peaceful life” without the presence of children.

Furthermore, these individuals report having better financial and emotional stability, as they do not have to deal with someone who is completely dependent on them.

Having children can generate happiness, even in those who didn't want it

(Image: disclosure)

Some men interviewed as part of the study were already of a certain age and still without children. In these people, it was already possible to notice a certain fear regarding not leaving a legacy and not having someone to take care of them in old age.

These results also demonstrate that for men, dissatisfaction with having to deal with children only is demonstrated in the first years of children's lives, disappearing over time, as they grow older. grow. Scientists call this phenomenon the “paternity paradox”.

Women, on the other hand, tend to see motherhood as a burden when they are left to take care of their children alone. However, equally, the growth and development of children generates satisfaction in them.

Furthermore, there is a general perception that having children generates the feeling that life has not been lived in vain, giving a deeper meaning to people's existence. If this isn't a reason to live happily, nothing else can be!

And who wants it and can't have it?

The study also heard from people who planned to have children but were unable to do so. And the answers were surprising.

In total, 161 women aged between 25 and 75 were interviewed who were unable to have children for various reasons. Of them, only 12% were completely dissatisfied with their lives. The rest said they were happy or satisfied with the way they were living.

Some men who wanted to be fathers and were unable to do so were also consulted. In their case, the predominant feeling is one of conformity, which emerged over time, as they grew older.

There are no correct answers!

Despite so many aspects and nuances brought up by this study, the reality is that there are no correct answers when it comes to fatherhood and motherhood.

Both people who have children and those who couldn't, or didn't want to, can be happy in their own way. As for unhappiness, well, it is also relative in its concept.

The final advice we can extract from this sampling is: seek balance in your life, regardless of the circumstances. Your well-being and happiness depend on it!

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, he now lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.

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