Passed the queue of shame 2 times: THIS is the shyest sign

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There is a sign that is the most shy and embarrassed of all. He seems to be hiding behind a shell when it comes to his feelings. With a mix of sensitivity and a pinch of drama, they stand out from the crowd… even if they don't want to.

See too: The power of words can unite or separate couples of these 4 signs

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Astrologers reveal the zodiac sign most inclined to marry…

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This sign is Cancer, a water sign, ruled by the Moon, which explains much of its emotional and, at times, reserved nature. In other words, the Moon is always changing its phases, always a little mysterious. And that is the Cancerian essence. In this way, they are the masters of “I'm going, but I don't want to go”, combining a desire to connect with others and, at the same time, an urgency to protect themselves.

Cancerian is shy and sensitive

Did you tell the Cancer native a drama? Here comes the Cancerian river of tears. However, it's not just about tears, okay? This group understands empathy like no one else. In other words, they catch what you're feeling from the air before you even speak.

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An example, in practice, is that friend who bursts into tears watching a commercial. It's also the one coworker who melts with a simple “thank you”? Therefore, they are like emotional sponges, absorbing everything around them. But this has its B side: sometimes, in order not to get hurt, Cancers close themselves off.

Kings of the comfort zone

And speaking of closing himself off, the Cancer native puts himself in a bubble. If he felt a strange vibration, he withdraws into his shell. In other words, they have this almost visceral need to protect themselves, whether from other people's emotions or from the outside world. Home for them is more than just a house, it is a sanctuary. In other words, where they can take off their armor and be 100% themselves, without judgement, without filters.

Now, try to drag a Cancerian to the club: it's an almost impossible mission. They even say they're going, but when the time comes, they come up with an excuse that's so creative that it's impressive. So, it's not that they are antisocial, it's just that the sofa at home has a magnetism that not even physics explains. And if by chance they leave their comfort zone, it may seem like they are lost, but it's just their shell doing its protective work.

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