Has olive oil started to weigh on your pocket? 3 substitutes to go without fear

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O olive oil It is highly recommended by doctors around the world. However, the item made Brazilians' shopping lists more expensive, as its increase was recorded in supermarkets in all regions. The reason for this is the failure of the olive harvest in Europe and the appreciation of the dollar.

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According to a survey carried out by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), the price of olive oil registered an increase of 20% in the 12-month period up to September this year. Thus, the increase was almost four times greater than inflation measured by the IPCA, of 5.2% in the same period.

The situation caused Brazilians to start looking for cheaper substitutes, purchasing other vegetable oils. In this way, producers of these products had their demands increased, as other vegetable oil options may have more affordable prices than olive oil.

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Three substitutes for olive oil

  • Palm Oil

Palm oil, known as dendê olive oil, has a significant amount of vitamins A and E, as well as other antioxidants. With its reddish color and a characteristic flavor, palm oil is a great option for those who want to replace olive oil.

According to IBGE, Brazil produced 2.9 million palm oil in 2022, with Pará being the largest producer of the product. Palm oil can be found in supermarkets for up to R$16.

  • Sesame oil

Widely used in Asian culture, sesame oil is rich in fatty acids and contains bioactives that reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular problems. Due to its resistance to climate change and its low production cost, the Sesame has been gaining more and more space in crops in Pará.

Sesame oil is used especially for sautéing or frying foods, mainly in Mediterranean and Eastern cultures. The product can be found for up to R$20.

  • Peanut Oil

Rich in vitamin E, B1 and B2, peanut oil is one of the main substitutes for olive oil as it contains several nutritional similarities. When heated, peanut oil preserves its nutrients and leaves no smell or taste in food. A 250 ml bottle of refined peanut oil has an average cost of R$19.


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