Is 23ºC ideal? 5 tricks to use air conditioning and not pay dearly for electricity

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As rising temperatures In recent days, air conditioning has become an indispensable ally, but its constant use can result in unpleasant surprises on your electricity bill.

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Given the rise in prices for this equipment, which rose 6.09% in October, according to the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), experts offer valuable tips for enjoying fresh air without compromising the budget. Check out!

1. Conscious thermal control

Financial educator Luciana Ikedo, author of the book “Vida Financeira – Descomplicando, Economizando e Investindo”, highlights the importance of conscious thermal control, in a publication by Estadão E-Investor.

Therefore, adjusting the air conditioning thermostat between 24°C and 26°C can generate significant monthly savings, thus avoiding consumption peaks that directly impact the electricity bill. Each degree less on the thermostat can result in up to 5% more energy consumption.

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2. Efficient thermal insulation

Another suggestion from Ikedo is to invest in thermal insulation. Keeping doors and windows well sealed creates a more isolated environment, reducing the need for the air conditioning to “work” intensely to maintain the desired temperature. In addition to saving energy, good insulation contributes to thermal comfort, avoiding constant adjustments to the thermostat.

3. Reduction of other energy consumption

Master in financial education Cintia Senna advises reducing the impact of other energy consumption in the home. Tips include keeping cell phones charged, using the shower in summer mode and turning off devices that remain unused. She also highlights the importance of consulting consumption simulators to measure the expense of each device and establish practical goals. His speech is also included in the Estadão E-Investidor publication.

4. Regular air conditioning maintenance

Regular air conditioning maintenance should not be forgotten, as Luciana Ikedo warns. Dirty filters and lack of maintenance can make the device less efficient, increasing energy consumption.

In other words, investing in preventive maintenance, preferably carried out by a specialized professional, helps to extend the useful life of the equipment and maintain costs low operational levels.

5. Scheduled use of air conditioning

Finally, financial educator Ikedo encourages the scheduled use of air conditioning. The timer function can be an ally to program automatic shutdowns, avoiding wasting energy during unnecessary periods.

Therefore, adapting the use of air conditioning to real needs can generate significant savings at the end of the month, helping to keep the electricity bill under control.

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