What are dreams? Meanings and interpretations of science

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Who never went to bed with the intention of having a good sleep night But did you end up dreaming that you were falling from a building or that you were being chased and woke up startled by that terrible feeling? In fact, it's at least relieving when we wake up and see that it's just a dream.

But have you ever wondered what are dreams? Or why do we dream Or if dreams can have Meanings? why do we have nightmares? These are enigmas that many people are not aware of.

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With that in mind, we separate some questions regarding this phenomenon that science can explain. See below.

What are dreams?

Dreams are nothing more than mental experiments experienced during our sleep. These are thoughts, images and emotions in the period when we are sleeping. It is possible to visualize the areas of the brain being activated while we dream.

Does everyone dream?

The truth is that not everyone remembers what they dream. As many people do not remember their dreams normally and live normally, it is suggested that this may not be necessary for our brain to function normally.

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We all dream and, over a night of 7/8 hours of sleep, we have about 5 dream periods, each of which can contain several “stories”. About 20 to 25% of the night is spent dreaming. What happens is that not all people remember their dreams when they wake up.

What are nightmares?

It is a kind of evolutionary adaptation built by the mind to mentally face threats from nature and thus protect the species. Being one of the first dream experiences reported from history.

Research indicates that for a dream to be considered a nightmare, it has to be terrifying enough to wake us up. Which is very common.

Children, with their brains still in formation, tend to have many nightmares and suffer from night terrors — images or flashes of anguish and panic that appear in the first stages of sleep.

How long does a dream last?

No one knows for sure. There are dreams that can last from a few seconds, others up to an hour. Dreams occur during the period called REM (rapid eye movements). On average, a dream lasts between 10 and 40 minutes.

Does a person in a coma dream?

In the coma state, in theory, there are no brain variations that provide dreaming, such as the REM stage. However, there are reports of dream hallucinations of patients in this state.

However, there is the possibility that these experiences are caused by variations in the action of the drugs - they would then be an unwanted effect of the drugs.

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