Benefits and harms involving the consumption of white rice

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Rice is a grain that can be used in many different recipes and it is no wonder that it is one of the most consumed in the world. There are several types, on average 120,000. The best known is the White rice, which goes through a process of removing the outer shell and inner layers.

Read more: Is brown rice better than white? Check out the main nutritional differences

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Although this is the most consumed grain, when compared to other types, rice is the one with the least nutritional properties. Read and understand what happens in our body when we eat white rice.

Are you willing to vary the consumption of white rice? Understand!

This article presents topics covered in the interview with the author of The First Time Mom’s Pregnancy Cookbook!, Lauren Manaker.

1. good fibers

Although it has less fiber when compared to whole grain, it still offers more fiber when compared to other types of food. In addition, white rice is rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc, selenium, niacin, folate, phosphorus and vitamin B6.

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2. Power supply

According to the author, white rice is a good source of carbohydrates, which is fuel for your body. Studies in the scientific journal Nutrients highlight that the B complex vitamins that are present in rice are responsible for the production of energy in the body.

3. Contributes to bone health

Consumption of white rice can contribute to the proper functioning of bones, as in addition to calcium and vitamin D, manganese is an important nutrient. This last nutrient is found in white rice.

4. Association with type 2 diabetes

A study published in the Archives of Internal found that consuming more than five servings of white rice is linked with the development of type 2 diabetes. This same cohort study also found that individuals who consumed brown rice had a reduced chance of having type 2 diabetes.

5. arsenic consumption

Arsenic, trace element, found in rice grains when consumed in large amounts, can cause harm to the body. For this reason, it is important to vary and consume different grains, such as quinoa.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Studies published in the journal Heart Asia suggest that participants who consumed the most white rice were at a 30% higher risk of metabolic syndrome. What added to all the other factors involving the metabolic syndrome is a significant value.

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