Check out the 7 main benefits obtained from the consumption of potatoes

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The potato, also popularly known as the English potato, is a food that is present almost daily in the meals of many Brazilians. she is one of foods most consumed in the world and known for being extremely versatile, as it looks amazing in different ways. It's easy to grow, easy to prepare and cheap to buy.

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What many don't know is that there are countless benefits in its consumption.

There are several types of potatoes: we have the English potato, the sweet potato, baroa potato, ball, baraka, yacon and many others. All of them can vary according to their texture, interior color and that of their skin. They can be smooth, polka dots and asterix, but they can be yellow or white. Their shells can be white, yellow, pink and purple.

7 main benefits obtained from potatoes

Reduces stress 

It has a component called “gamma-aminobutyric acid” that acts in the body like a hormone that is able to reduce stress and make both the body and the brain relax.

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Helps in weight loss 

Because of its fiber and resistant starch, which are nutrients that help control satiety and reduce the desire to eat between meals, you reduce your food intake. This helps with weight loss.

It's good for the heart 

Due to the fibers, vitamin C and vitamin B6 that are present there, it helps prevent heart disease. In addition, it is possible to find a good amount of potassium, which is a mineral that plays a very important role in maintaining normal heart rhythm and blood pressure control.

The fibers contained in it also help to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, therefore, it wards off diseases such as cardiac arrest.

Maintain gut health 

The amounts of resistant starch end up serving as food for the beneficial bacteria found in the intestine. This helps in preventing situations such as intestinal infection, diarrhea or constipation.

Helps in controlling diabetes

Potatoes have a lot of starch, right? It provides several health benefits, such as reducing insulin resistance which, in turn, improves blood sugar control.

Combat insomnia 

By having nutrients like magnesium, B complex vitamins and tryptophan, it is possible to produce serotonin that helps with relaxation. This certainly helps you get a much better night's sleep.

Boosts brain function 

Potatoes have a lot of copper and iron, which boost brain activity. It also displays manganese, potassium and vitamins B6 and C, which help with organ functions as the nerve centers respond positively to the fatty acids and amino acids found in this food.

Furthermore, the level of carbohydrate present in it maintains good levels of glucose in the blood, offering energy for the proper functioning of neurons.

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