Foods You Should Completely Avoid After You Turn 30

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When we reach the age of 30, the way our organism starts to operate changes a lot. In this sense, losing weight and maintaining good health are elements that become more difficult to guarantee from that age on. Due to these factors, check out some foods that should be eliminated after turning 30.

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White bread

White bread is probably one of the foods most consumed by Brazilians, especially for breakfast and afternoon snacks. However, the intake of this item increases the level of sugar, as the body transforms the carbohydrates in bread into sugar, and therefore into glucose.

This process increases the damage to collagen and other proteins that help reduce wrinkles, for example. And most importantly, the consumption of this product full of carbohydrates makes the weight loss process more difficult.


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Surely you've heard about the problems that soda can bring to our health. This process is even more profound when the individual passes the age of 30.

This is mainly because the amount of sugars and dyes present in these drinks can negatively affect our body's health. However, what many people don't know is that soda can impact fertility during this age group. In women it interferes with the ovulation process, and in men with sperm motility.

processed meats

Processed meats such as salami, sausage, ham, mortadella, among others, harm our body, especially the skin. That's because these processed foods are high in sodium, sulfite, and saturated fats that cause inflammation in the body.

In addition, these foods increase the accumulation of fats, which can even facilitate the onset of high blood pressure, as well as weaken the level of collagen in the body.

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