Personality Test: Guess Who Broke The Vase And Discover Traits About You

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Image Personality Test: This personality test assesses your judgment and decision to reveal hidden traits of your nature and personality. In this picture, you must correctly guess who broke the vase. Use your instinct, your perception and your attention to find out in the image below.

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If you chose child A:

He might look like someone who broke the vase, after all, he's staring at the broken object on the floor, as if he's at fault. Also, the other kids are looking and pointing at him, which makes him even more suspicious. But what guarantees that he is the culprit? And if the kids are using him as a goat expiatory? Maybe your expression is just one of concern over your mother's broken vase.

Traits of who chose child A: is a careful person with everyone around him. You are responsible, detail-oriented and reliable. You only make your decisions after analyzing all the possibilities. He is meticulous, attentive and analytical.

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If you chose child B:

She appears to be the oldest child in the group and looks at Child A fondly, not judging but as if she is trying to take care of the situation. Like someone who understands that mistakes happen.

Traits of who chose child B: an understanding person who doesn't leave close to those who need it in difficult times. You don't judge or jump to conclusions, you try to know and understand first. Understands that accidents happen and that people are not perfect.

If you chose child C

He appears to be a mischievous child, by his facial expression and his hands in his pockets. The child smiles and seems to be putting the blame on others. Child C laughs at the situation and seems confident that he will not get caught, even if he is the culprit.

Traits of who chose child C: Tends to possess great confidence and leadership skills. You are quick to recognize and solve problems. You have the ability to find opportunities and turn situations to your advantage. You can also be snobbish, pretentious, and even arrogant.

If you chose child D

This little girl looks scared and almost crying as she holds her mother's dress. Tears indicate that you may have gone through a bad time. It also suggests that she is worried that she is the youngest and perhaps will end up being blamed.

Traits of who chose child D: Easily trusts others, as well as being sensitive and emotional. You need to be understood and always try to be a better person. You are more emotional than rational, but feel uncomfortable when you feel too controlled by your emotions.

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