See which bank charges the lowest rate for personal LOANS

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There are several modalities of loans, with different rates and conditions, and it is in them that consumers find a safe way to get money to pay off debts, avoid having your name negative or open your own company, among other opportunities for business.

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It is worth noting that the rates used by institutions may change at any time, and that it is important to be aware of the interest and fees that you will pay as soon as you hire a loan. With that, we separate some options and show the banks with the lowest rates currently.

Banks with the lowest rate on Personal Loan

Procon-SP (an institution that serves every consumer who encounters problems or doubts in the consumer market and aims to protect and defend consumers) made a survey during the month of May, which pointed to a variation of almost 4.5% among the banks surveyed, and found that the average interest rate is 6.7% per year month.

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The bank that presented the lowest rate for the Personal Loan modality was Caixa Econômica Federal, with 29.5% per annum. In second place, with a rate of 38.7% per annum, comes BTG Pactual. Soon after, with a rate of 42.5% per annum, is the Northeast bank.

Banks with the lowest rate on payroll loans

The payroll loan has been one of the fastest growing modalities in the country in recent years due to the low risks involved in this operation. Banks offer much lower rates in this modality, as the installments are already debited directly from the benefit received by the insured person.

The banks that stand out in payroll loans are, in first place, Banco Sicoob, which offers a rate of 17.6% per annum. Next comes Banco Cetelem, which is linked to BNP Paribas, with a rate of 18.3% per annum. Then we have the Sicredi credit union, which has an initial rate of approximately 18.4% per annum.

How to do a simulation?

The consumer who wants to make a personal loan simulation with one of these institutions has several options, the most common being going personally to a prompt service with the documents requested by each institution, or virtually, through digital channels, such as websites or mobile applications of each institution.

A recommendation that Procon makes is that the consumer seeks these modalities only when it is really beneficial for him, and that he doesn't jump at the first opportunity that appears, because it's no use exchanging a debt for other. Another tip is to save the amount and buy what you want in cash.

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