These are the 9 main traits of manipulative people

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There are people who believe that others should do exactly what they want and/or serve them promptly, it's not clear why.

To achieve their goals, these individuals use manipulation and control tactics, which, in everyday life, go completely unnoticed.

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These people are called manipulators, which are one of the worst types of company anyone can have, due to their toxicity and the psychological damage they can cause to those they live with.

Fortunately, it is possible to identify manipulators through some characteristics of their personality. In the following topics we explain nine of these characteristics. Check out!

1. Practice gaslighting

The phenomenon known as gaslighting consists of a strategy employed by manipulative individuals to raise doubts about other people's own feelings, thoughts and sanity.

This occurs when such individuals deny reality or distort perceptions, resulting in a feeling of insanity when considering certain perspectives.

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Gaslighting takes many forms, and can manifest itself through falsehoods, denial of facts, linguistic manipulation, as well as insults and threats.

If someone you live with makes you question your own identity and, consequently, arouses feelings of vulnerability, it is possible that this person is manipulating you. It is essential to be attentive and cautious!

2. They like to play the victim

Manipulative individuals distort reality and often present themselves as innocent, even if they are responsible for certain problems.

Commonly, they utter words that cause pain and then immediately deny that there was any malicious intent in their expressions.

Another common practice of manipulators is to blame their mistakes on others or make it appear that those around them are wrong while they themselves are right.

Most worrying is that these types of emotional abuse are subtle and complex to identify, as they are not always overt or purposeful. Pay close attention!

3. They do emotional blackmail

Manipulative individuals resort to emotional pressure as a strategy to influence the emotions of those around them and exert control over their behavior.

They engage in psychological games, resorting to jealousy, intrigue, and other provocations to get others to act on their wishes.

Some examples of phrases commonly used by these people include: “If you really loved me, would you do this” or “Would you have the courage to leave me?”.

This is one of the most challenging traits to identify in a manipulator, not because it's inconspicuous, but because it's so often overlooked.

Many people act in this way, but instead of being properly recognized, they are mistakenly perceived as vulnerable and in need of help. Stay tuned!

4. Create drama and confusion all the time

Manipulative individuals have a habit of starting unnecessary discussions or debates with the aim of diverting the focus to themselves.

They may act deliberately confusingly, providing misleading information or omitting relevant details to disrupt the environment.

Because they are greedy for attention, these people believe that chaos is somehow favorable to them, even if it causes discomfort to others.

Do you know anyone like this? If so, it's time to start being more careful with that person!

5. They are flatterers

Flattery is often employed by manipulative individuals as a strategy to achieve their goals.

They flatter and flatter others in order to gain their trust and make them feel valued.

However, this attitude is nothing more than a superficial facade. This is often the only way the manipulator finds to get close to someone and exert control over that person, which is why they act that way.

They prioritize their own version of reality above all else and will go to great lengths to ensure the fulfillment of their desires, without worrying about anything else.

6. Pit people against each other

Fostering conflicts between people or engaging in “triangular games” is one of the main tricks used by manipulators to gain power and attention.

It's essential to keep in mind that your comfort zone is your safe haven, and those with a manipulative nature will do anything to get you out of that space.

To do so, they seek to create false dichotomies between individuals or employ oppositional tactics. forced, in order to make you believe that someone harbors a dislike for you or intends to harm you.

Therefore, when someone approaches to speak negatively about another person, remain alert to what is being said and pay close attention. It could be a sign that a manipulator is at work!

7. "It's always someone else's fault"

Manipulators are true masters at blaming their mistakes and shortcomings on others.

They have an uncanny ability to make excuses and shift responsibility for what is happening, making others feel guilty for their own actions.

In addition, they feel enormous discomfort in assuming any responsibility for their conduct.

For this reason, they create fictional narratives or alter facts in order to avoid any sense of guilt. Watch out for these tricks!

8. are liars

Those with a manipulative nature are masters in the art of deceit. Your goal is not to seek the truth, but to gain control and power.

They lie about the authorship of words or actions in order to gain your trust, and may even make up stories to escape responsibility for their own actions.

The big inconvenience is that the lies propagated by these individuals can cause problems for other people. Be attentive and vigilant!

9. Practice passive aggression

To conclude, we want to talk about one of the most harmful characteristics of manipulators: passive aggressiveness.

This form of manipulation encompasses a number of tactics, ranging from malicious comments, exercising control, displaying from aggressive behavior, to the demonstration of unpredictable behavior with the intention of instilling “fear” in the other person.

This form of manipulation can trigger cases of domestic violence, as it involves channeling anger, frustration or resentment towards another person.

Furthermore, manipulators who adopt passive aggression resort to sarcasm and belittlement to make others feel less valued than they really are.

Passive-aggressive behavior can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being, resulting in frustration, confusion, and questioning of self-esteem and control over a particular situation.

It is important to note that, depending on the degree to which it is employed, it may even constitute a crime. This is a serious issue that demands attention and action.

I live with a manipulator, now what?

While reading our article did you notice any characteristics of family members or close friends?

If so, keep in mind, first of all, that you don't have the power to change the bad traits of that person(s). So don't blame yourself for it.

On the other hand, you cannot -and should not- play along with these individuals. Don't let their manipulation affect you.

To do so, try to keep a healthy distance, while being empathetic and friendly, especially if it's someone you love and live with.

Look for gentle ways to deal with these people to both protect yourself and try to help them see that their behavior is wrong.

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