3 Traits That Define a 'Shadow Empath'

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A empathy it is widely recognized as a positive trait, as it is related to social skills and the ability to establish healthy connections with the people around us. It is the ability to understand and share the emotions, perspectives and experiences of others.

When we are empathetic, we are able to put ourselves in the other's shoes, understand their emotions and reactions, and act in a compassionate and supportive way. This skill strengthens our interpersonal relationships, promotes effective communication and contributes to a more harmonious environment.

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When someone shows understanding of what we are feeling, it creates a sense of validation and predisposes us to like that person. This emotional connection strengthens relationships and promotes positive interactions.

There are times when empathy can be used to harm us, although it's natural to feel validated when someone understands our feelings. When a person uses their empathy for beneficial purposes, it is a win-win situation.

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dark empathy

Narcissists have the confidence to assume that they are superior and smarter than anyone else. This trait allows them to feed their egos and act without the barriers that prevent most people from acting destructively.

Empathy can be classified into three main types: affective empathy, cognitive empathy, and compassionate empathy. Affective empathy refers to the ability to feel the feelings another person is experiencing, such as crying during a sad movie.

Cognitive empathy, on the other hand, involves the ability to recognize and understand another person's emotions, even without experiencing a reciprocal feeling.

Finally, compassionate empathy goes beyond feeling and understanding by adding an action component: helping someone in need. This form of empathy propels us to act to help those who are struggling.

Individuals with dark empathy are thought to have a high degree of cognitive empathy, a form of empathy in which they have the ability to recognize and understand the emotions of others.

This lets them know exactly what to say and do to deftly manipulate their targets and achieve their goals.

This ability can pose a threat to the well-being of those who become targets of it. While these individuals may not feel genuine emotional empathy, their ability to cognitively understand the emotions of others allows them to manipulate and exploit others in harmful ways.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of this dynamic to protect yourself from potential emotional and psychological harm.

Get away from these 3 traits


The self-confidence of narcissists it usually makes them initially attractive to others. It is a characteristic that naturally attracts us, as we tend to be attracted to people who demonstrate security and assertiveness.

It's important to keep in mind that narcissists' self-confidence can be excessive and based on a distorted view of themselves.

As we delve deeper into relationships with narcissists, we may find that this self-confidence is accompanied by self-centered behaviors, lack of empathy and constant attention seeking and admiration.


When we relate to someone who seems to know us deeply, but at the same time demonstrates reckless, insensitive, or dishonest behavior, it is important to step back and adopt a perspective more objective.

Need to assess whether the relationship is genuinely healthy and beneficial to us. Recognizing the signs of recklessness, insensitivity or dishonesty can be an indication that we need to reassess the nature of that relationship and make decisions that prioritize our well-being and safety emotional.

Machiavellian people

Machiavellian individuals are adept at using deceptive tactics to manipulate others and achieve their own goals.

These people often seek to gain others' trust by using compliments and showing signs that they like them. These strategies may appeal to us initially, as we tend to appreciate attention and positive recognition.

However, it is important to be aware that flattery and apparent interest can be used as tools of manipulation and do not necessarily reflect an authentic relationship and healthy.

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