Truth or myth? The science behind healing crystals

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For those who don't know much about this medium, crystals are believed to have several healing properties. From bringing peace of mind to fighting depression, the list seems endless. But is there any scientific evidence about this power? In that sense, check it out now how healing crystals work.

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Many people who use them attest to their effectiveness. Furthermore, their use has also been common in ancient forms of medicine and by priests to align the body's chakras. And now, using crystals as an effective way to practice self-care is becoming more and more popular.

How do healing crystals work?

According to experts, crystals act as healers, as they allow positive energy to flow into the body and replace the negative and toxic one. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals work by channeling your energy levels, therefore creating a balance in the body field.

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Furthermore, crystals also carry the power to induce a placebo effect in the mind of certain patients, which is scientifically proven to aid medical treatment. This is because they induce a feeling of relaxation and calmness in the environment, thus bringing such a feeling to the body and mind.

How to use healing crystals?

Each healing crystal carries its own properties and powers. With this, depending on its benefits, you can use a crystal to naturally treat yourself and remove stress and negativity. Some of the most commonly used stones include amethyst, rhodonite, opal and rose quartz.

Furthermore, it has been discovered that amethyst has extremely beneficial powers for the intestine and digestive problems. Additionally, stones like Green Aventurine are good for promoting cardiac well-being, while healing stones like Yellow Topaz clear mental blocks and bring clarity.

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