Relaxing with true crime stories gets expert warning

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True crime shows hold an inexplicable fascination for many people, keeping them on the edge of their seats and mesmerized by the screen. The tension before the big reveal, the thrill of the chase and the sense of justice (almost always) being served are elements that captivate viewers.

Yet have you ever stopped to wonder why some people are able to relax listening to disturbing stories of murder and mayhem? If the answer is yes, there is an explanation that should not please anyone who has this as a hobby: according to psychologist “Dr. Thema Bryant,” in a podcast with Mel Robbins, she mentioned that watching true crime shows before bed may be linked to a deeper emotional issue.

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“Why is trauma relaxing for me?”

To clarify this warning, Dr said: “Some of us were raised in high-stress environments, so we confuse peace with boredom. To reconnect with yourself, it is necessary to face the discomfort, because it will feel unknown.”

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Those words struck a chord with listeners of the podcast, resulting in a wave of confessions and discoveries on social media. One listener shared that watching brutal shows distracts him from the pain he feels in his own life.

Another, meanwhile, admitted: "Trauma isn't relaxing for me - it's the sense of justice that characters or real people usually achieve, something I've never had in my own life."

But why would anyone find solace in hearing accounts of trauma, especially those who have experienced these painful realities firsthand?

The “Dr. Elizabeth Jeglic, a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, offered an intriguing perspective, suggesting that trauma survivors can find the real crimes. interesting because it provides them with a safe environment to relive their experiences, offering a sense of control that they may not have experienced during their own experience. Suffering.

It can also be an unconscious coping mechanism, helping you process your own traumas in a controlled environment.

However, it's important to remember that constantly consuming graphic content can potentially affect your mood and mindset in a negative way. So the next time you feel the urge to watch episodes about disturbing crimes before bed, pause for a moment.

Maybe it's time to reflect internally, explore more deeply the reasons behind your choices and seek professional help if necessary.

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