Pineapple peels: do not waste and learn to reuse

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In fact, saving and reusing ingredients is among the most crucial aspects of cooking. So stop discarding the husks pineapple immediately! See the possibilities of pineapple peel recipes which are practical and tasty.

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Choose the ideal pineapple and clean it the right way!

The first and most important step, even when using pineapple peels, is knowing how to choose them! Well, ideally, the pineapple should always have a bright yellow and gold color.

Carefully squeeze the skin of this fruit and check if it is too hard or softer, the more rigid, the less ripe. In addition, the crown must be strong, bright green and not drooping. By doing this, you guarantee a quality ingredient for your recipes.

Next, you must clean this fruit well, as you will also be using its skins to consume. Put water with a tablespoon of baking soda in a container that fits the fruit and leave for at least 15 minutes. Finally, just wash and you're done!

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Use pineapple peel in recipes

You can use it any way you want, but there are three options that are the most used. These are easy options that result in delicious recipes! Check below:

  • Pineapple juice

To make this recipe, just heat the pineapple skin and then strain it. You can use a little sugar, honey or even lemon juice to spice it up. This is a very simple recipe that if you add mint it gets even tastier!

  • pineapple tea

This is a very common and very tasty option for you to make. In addition to reusing fruit peels, you can still have several benefits with your tea. Just put the peels to infuse in hot water for 10 minutes and it's ready. Also, you can increase with fresh mint leaves, it's pretty tasty!

  • Pineapple cake

In the same way that you boiled the peels in the juice, you will also use them to make this dumpling. With the ideal recipe, this option is an excellent choice to serve a snack with your friends or family!
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