Save: Learn how to grow garlic at home

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Garlic is a vegetable that is common in Brazilian cuisine and is in countless dishes, being quite popular in Brazil to season and season food. However, this is a plant originally from Central Asia that arrived in Brazilian lands through the Portuguese, at the time of discovery.

Learning how to grow garlic at home is very simple, but it requires some special care that is worthwhile in order to have all the benefits that this vegetable offers.

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how to plant

First of all, it is important to know that garlic does not like very hot or very cold weather. The ideal for cultivation is a mild climate, but with a period of cold. This helps in the formation of the bulbs, which are the garlic itself.

This plant does not need very rich soil, but it must have good drainage, so bet on a vase with holes in the bottom.

You should also fill 1/3 of the vase with pebbles at the bottom so that the water can drain well. After this layer of stones add a drainage blanket or a piece of old fabric.

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Then just add the substrate and bury a head of garlic about 4cm deep. If you plant more than one head, leave them 15cm apart.

Keep the vase in a well-lit place and around 8 months you will be able to harvest your own garlic.

benefits of garlic

Garlic has numerous properties and compounds that can help our body, such as:

  • Rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium;
  • It has allicin, an antimicrobial compound that helps eliminate bacteria that affect the intestinal flora;
  • Allicin and other sulfur compounds have an antioxidant action and protect our body's cells from free radicals;
  • Improves blood circulation and lowers blood pressure;
  • It has an expectorant action that helps improve respiratory functions;
  • It has sulphur, selenium and choline that protects brain cells and improves memory.

Finally, to take advantage of all these benefits, just consume a clove of garlic a day, whether in seasoning meats, in salads, sauces or even in teas.

Now that you know how to grow garlic at home, how about reading other even more interesting articles? just click here!
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