Accelerate your performance with these 4 amazing work hacks

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Many people dream of leaving work early to enjoy life after hours. However, it is not always easy to reconcile all professional tasks and still have time to enjoy other things.

But rest assured, there are some valuable tips that can help you perform more efficiently, whether working from home or in the office.

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To help you, we've brought some habits that will make your routine easier. And the best: they are simple tips that can be applied in everyday life. Prepared? So, keep reading and find out how to get your tasks done in record time!

Turn on your bedroom light as soon as you wake up

Did you know that turning on the light first thing in the morning can help your body prepare for the day?

According to Robert Soler, co-founder of SkyView Light, light – both natural and artificial – is able to send signals to the brain to stop producing melatonin, the sleep hormone.

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And this is key to ensuring productivity throughout the day. Incidentally, daylight or bright light with cooler undertones can help signal your body that it's time to be alert and ready to focus.

Start your day by taking a cold shower.

How about starting your day with a cold shower? It might seem a little daunting at first, but cold showers have a lot of energizing power that can leave you feeling alert and ready to tackle the day's tasks.

Also, cold water can release endorphins, which are natural substances that act as painkillers and can even improve our mood.

Apply the pomodoro technique to carry out your activities

This technique can satisfactorily improve your productivity. It was created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s and is named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timers that inspired it.

But how exactly does it work? You work on an important task as if your life depended on it for 25 minutes and then relax for five minutes.

Repeat this cycle four times, then take a longer 15-minute break. It's amazing how this technique can help you stay focused and productive!

Forget about multitasking

Believe it or not, focusing on one activity at a time can be faster and less error-prone than trying to multitask.

Time management and productivity coach Alexis Haselberger explains, “Single-tasking is more efficient than multitasking.”

And look how curious: a study by the American Psychological Association in 2006 showed that multitasking reduces productivity by up to 40%. So how about taking multitasking out of the picture and focusing on doing one thing at a time?

This can help you produce more in less time and, who knows, avoid some annoying mistakes.

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