Fruits for dogs: Which ones are allowed?

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Fruits are important foods for human life, they can bring health benefits, but this does not apply only to humans.

Fruits are rich in vitamins, fiber and nutrients that can benefit your pet's health, but not all are acceptable for dogs.

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Check it out in our post, what fruits can be given to your dog.

Allowed fruits:

  • Pineapple

Pineapple is rich in vitamins that can boost the animal's immune system, but caution should be exercised. Due to its acidity, it can harm the dog's gastrointestinal system.

If offered correctly, pineapple can bring benefits such as vitamin A, B complex vitamins, potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

  • Banana

Banana is one of many people's favorite fruits and thus a great fruit for dogs as it contains important minerals, vitamin A and B vitamins.

It should also be added carefully to the dog's diet, as bananas contain a large amount of fructose and can be harmful for dogs with diabetes.

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  • Cashew

Although many feel that it is not recommended to eat cashew for dogs due to the astringent taste. Yeah, cashew is rich in vitamin E, vitamin K and antioxidants and favors the metabolism of the animal.

  • Orange

Orange is another fruit that dogs can eat. However, in moderation due to its acidity, but be careful to remove the peel and white “skin” from the fruit.

  • Litter

Most dogs tend to like apples, the fruit brings great benefits to the animal.

Rich in vitamins A, B, C and E can bring many benefits to the dog's health such as increased immunity. But you must remove the seeds.

  • Papaya

Finally, papaya can collaborate with dogs with intestinal problems and several recipes can be made, such as popsicles, to innovate in the animal's diet.

The fruit is rich in vitamin A, fiber, calcium and potassium, but you should eat it in moderation as it can cause diarrhea if eaten too often.

Other fruits that can also be given: Watermelon, strawberry, melon, persimmon and pear (seedless).

It is always good to emphasize the importance of feeding your pet, make sure with the veterinarian which foods can be ingested by your animal.

So, now that you know which fruits can be given to your dog. So, forward this article to that friend of yours who also has a pet and would like to know.

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