Mindfulness: Tips for continuing to practice in a steady and disciplined way

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A survey carried out to measure the rate of adherence to meditative practices mapped that approximately 60% of users of meditation apps do not keep following Mindfulness techniques after a few months. The average abandonment of the practice is about one year. Despite this, the technique remains very well related to the reduction of stress and anxiety. check out tips for maintaining constancy in Mindfulness.

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How to develop discipline for mindfulness practice

2,600 subscribers of a meditation app called Calm were analyzed in 2018. In it, 83% of subscribers used the application's functions at least once a day. Already on the 350th day of the survey, 58% of them reported that they stopped the meditation techniques. Most of them gave the same answer: Difficulty creating a habit.

Among the main reasons for this, we can highlight that the results are not immediate and this can be discouraging for some users. In addition, Mindfulness techniques are difficult, precisely because they go against the grain of virtual relationships, marked by constant connection and performing multiple tasks.

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It is worth remembering that the Mindfulness technique consists of carrying out activities in the most engaged and concentrated way possible. For this reason, for individuals accustomed to performing multiple tasks consecutively, this work is much more difficult and its results take longer and longer. Therefore, here are tips for exercising discipline in mindfulness:

Worry about doing it, not doing it perfectly.

Not having enough time is no excuse for not performing this technique. You can perform a breathing technique, for example, before going to bed. Certain procedures are available through audio on streaming platforms or meditation apps, as well as sites like YouTube, for example. A widely used technique is the 4-7-8 Breathing, preferably chosen by people who wish to have an uninterrupted night's sleep.

Set a fixed time to practice

After a while performing the task in a disciplined manner, it is possible to obtain constancy in meditative practice. In a few weeks, doing the Mindfulness exercises will no longer be difficult or laborious. To help you, set a daily alarm on your cell phone or watch so that, always at a certain time, you commit to this activity.

Don't be immediate

There is a whole external situation that makes us increasingly accelerated and anxious. Therefore, deconstructing this way of thinking and seeing the world is not an easy task. It requires mental exercises that can be, a priori, difficult. Therefore, do not start the practice looking for immediate results – unfortunately this will not happen.


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