Generosity in old age may be an early sign of Alzheimer's

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The elderly are certainly part of a group more vulnerable to financial exploitation, including a recent survey by the USC Keck School of Medicine, a university American, suggested that there is a link between generosity and the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

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If you have older relatives and want to know more about how this habit of giving people money can indicate Alzheimer's, stay tuned for information extracted from this study.

Early Alzheimer's Indication

According to research, a strong indication that a person in old age is presenting with Alzheimer's is when he starts offering money without distinction of who or in what amount.

In order to better understand the relationship of giving money as an indicator of the presence of Alzheimer's in older people, a laboratory study proposed that 67 elderly people without dementia or cognitive impairment chose between giving money to someone unidentified or keeping it for themselves. yes.

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In addition, the participants took several cognitive tests, such as recall of words and stories. The results of cognitive tests showed that those who were more sensitive to Alzheimer's disease gave more money.

Previous studies that have examined the relationship between altruism and cognition have focused on related measures. to the author, such as asking seniors if they would be willing to spend certain amounts on scenarios specific. In the current study, the relationship was examined using real money.

Results of the relationship between altruism and illness

To confirm the nature of the relationship between financial altruism and older adults' cognitive health, additional research is needed, including larger and more representative sample sizes. Future studies may also gather behavioral and author-related data on financial altruism to better understand participants' driving forces.

However, it is worth mentioning that, if an unusual action is identified by elderly people offering more money than were used to, it is important to take him for a deeper analysis, as this may indicate the beginning of Alzheimer's. Clarifying this point is important to take preventive or treatment measures more effectively and safely.

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