Readjustment of up to 200% in research grants encourages students

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Research grants are financial aid granted to support research or study. Last Thursday (16), the government readjusted research grants, ranging from 25% to 200% between undergraduate, graduate, scientific initiation and Permanence Scholarships. According to the government, the new values ​​will come into effect from March.

These master's and doctoral scholarships have not had any kind of readjustment since 2013. In the case of the master's degree, the amount will increase from R$ 1,500 to R$ 2,100. For a doctorate, from R$2,200 to R$3,100. As for postdoctoral scholarships, the increase will be 25%, with an increase from R$ 4.1 thousand to R$ 5.2 thousand.

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In addition, the government will also recompose the amount of scholarships offered. Now, it is estimated that more than 53,600 scholarships will be offered. Readjustments of research grants correspond to a value of R$ 2.38 billion in resources both in the MEC how much of the MCTI.

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“Everything we are going to do to meet the needs of the people will be called an investment. And education is the cheapest investment we can make. We want a country that exports knowledge,” said President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during a ceremony at the Planalto Palace to announce the readjustments.

Scientific initiation scholarships

Already the students of scientific initiation of the High school will have readjustments in their grants, which will go from R$ 100 to R$ 300. In total, 53,000 scholarships will be invested to encourage young students to dedicate themselves to research and science production. “Scientific initiation scholarship holders are more likely to complete postgraduate studies”, noted the Minister of Science and Technology, Luciana Santos.

Even basic education teachers will have a readjustment! The percentage will be between 40% and 75%. In 2023, there will be 125,700 scholarships to prepare teachers. This action is considered essential for the qualification of teachers who graduate and go to the classroom. Benefit values ​​range from R$ 400 to R$ 1,500.

As for quilombola or indigenous communities, the percentage increases will vary from 55% to 75%. That's because the values ​​range from R$ 400 to R$ 900. In the case of scholarships for indigenous peoples and quilombolas, the value goes from the current R$ 900 to R$ 1,400.

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