Energy crystals: choose a stone according to your desire for 2023

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Some people see crystals only for the colors, shapes and beauty they naturally have. However, others believe that they are endowed with energy, and can bring many benefits to those who use them correctly.

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Now, it is true that the very formation of these crystals is endowed with a mystical energy, even though it is also a scientific process. They derive from the union of particles mixed with water and rocks that originate from the Earth's magma. Thus, its formation is very rich in minerals.

Neuroscientist Juliana Niza states that “they are electromagnetic minerals with high resonance and such an incredible frequency that they exert a profound influence on human beings”. She also points out that they manage to renew energy and remove negativity, whether from environments or people.

In this way, with the new year approaching, it might be a good idea to understand a little more about the main crystals and choose one of them to help you with the challenges of 2023.

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Energy crystals: choose a stone according to your desire for 2023

1. rose quartz

This ore is also known as the stone of love, and in ancient times, it was associated with the Goddess Venus. However, it is not a stone that wins the love of others or anything like that. On the contrary: her goal is to promote self-love, inner peace and self-realization.

2. Amethyst

This crystal has a frequency that connects to wisdom with humility, remembering the infinity we are surrounded by. So, this stone can be used in the work environment, to provide serenity, or as an accessory in rings, pendants or necklaces, having the same purpose.

3. Tourmaline

Tourmaline, or black tourmaline, instead of absorbing negative energies for itself, diverts them, being one of the main stones of protection against third parties who wish evil on those who carry them.

4. green quartz

It is closely related to healing, be it mental or physical. This stone is known to assist in the general well-being and even the quality of sleep of those who use them. Thus, the recommendation is to leave it on the headboard of the bed or close to it, or even close to the body.

5. Pyrite

Stimulates the personal success of those who own them. It is widely used with the intention of seeking prosperity and even wealth. Its use is highly recommended in a professional environment, leaving the crystal on the work table or somewhere similar.

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