THESE 5 types of people who DRAIN your energy

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Have you ever come across people who seem to suck yourenergyand make your life more difficult? These are the so-called “emotional vampires”, and they not only consume your physical energy, but can also undermine your self-esteem, as well as make you doubt your own worth and ability to love.

These emotional vampires can do subtle harm, like comments that bring you down disguised as concerns, such as the fateful “Wow, honey, I noticed you've gained a few pounds” or “You're very sensitive, you need to relax more”. These little digs are enough to shake your shaky self-esteem and balance.

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Whether you're in a romantic relationship, have a close friendship, or even spend time with family, it's important to be aware of the effects of being around an emotional vampire.

Identify the “emotional vampires” around you and protect yourself from them

Here are 5 signs that reveal the presence of such a person in your life:

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  • Feeling drowsy and excessively tired;

  • Sudden drop in mood;

  • Craving for carbohydrates or comfort foods

  • Feelings of anxiety, depression or negativity;

  • Feeling of diminishing yourself.

To protect your vital energy and combat the depletion caused by these people, it is essential to adopt effective strategies.

Here are some tips for dealing with emotional vampires and regaining your personal power:

  • set healthy boundaries: Set clear boundaries and learn to say “no” when necessary. Protect your time and energy by prioritizing your own needs;

  • Identify behavior patterns: Recognize the signs of an emotional vampire. Be aware of manipulations, constant criticism and toxic behavior;

  • Create a positive support network: Surround yourself with people who support and value you. Cultivate healthy and empowering relationships that help recharge your energy;

  • practice self care: Take time to take care of yourself. Prioritize activities that help you relax, recharge, and strengthen your positive mindset.

  • Seek professional help if necessary: If the effects of an emotional vampire are persistent and significantly impair your mental and emotional health, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a qualified health professional.

Remember that you have the power to protect your energy and create a healthier, more balanced life.

By identifying and combating emotional vampires, you can break free of the draining cycle and cultivate more positive and empowering relationships.

Meet the 5 types of emotional vampires and learn how to protect yourself

In our lives, we come across different types of emotional vampires that can suck our energy and harm us. our well-being.

It is important to identify these patterns of behavior and take steps to protect ourselves. Below are the 5 most common types and tips on how to protect yourself from each one.

constant talker

These people only care about themselves and monopolize the conversation. They have no real interest in anything other than being the protagonist of every subject.

To protect yourself from people like this, politely interrupt and set boundaries. Show that you need to be involved with other people or fulfill other commitments.


Narcissists have a constant need to be admired and put their interests above all else; your pains are greater than those of others, your achievements deserve more applause.

To protect yourself, it's essential to maintain realistic expectations and not depend on your validation. Communicate objectively, emphasizing how your actions can benefit them.


Controllers try to dominate and control every aspect of your life. Your decisions become not yours alone without going through the controller's scrutiny.

In these cases, be assertive and make it clear that you value their opinions, but that you need to choose for yourself the paths you want to take in life – stay tuned. trustingand independent, because your life is yours alone.


Victims perpetuate an attitude of self-pity and blame the world for their misfortunes – including friends and relatives.

Of course, complaining about life is a common practice, but spending every day immersed in pure negativism to exempt yourself from the own responsibilities in decision-making is one of the most well-known pitfalls of the person with this feature.

Set firm boundaries, offer solutions instead of just listening to their whining, and steer the conversation towards something more positive.

drama queen/king

Dramatists have a knack for crafting small incidents into great dramas. Keep calm, take a deep breath, and don't get caught up in their emotional game. Set clear boundaries and put work or your priorities first.

Remember to evaluate the relationships in your life and identify those that provide you with positive energy and those that deplete it.

Prioritize spending time with people who support you, and set healthy boundaries with those who have a negative impact. This will contribute to a betterquality of lifeand more balanced relationships.
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