Foods that increase testosterone production

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A testosterone It is a sex hormone that is highly important for male health. It has several functions for our organism: development of reproductive tissues and characteristics male secondary (voice, hair, beard), muscle mass gain, bone maturation and psychological conditions. Its low level is associated with the development of diseases, physical conditions and emotional problems.

Foods to Increase Testosterone

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One of the main ways to increase testosterone is by combining good nutrition with regular physical activity. Physical exercise stimulates anabolism and the production of anabolic hormones, which induce a gain in lean mass. In addition, there is a fundamental importance of the diet also to stimulate the production of testosterone.

Essential nutrients for testosterone production

Zinc and magnesium are two minerals that aid in the body's natural production of testosterone. They increase the production of nitric oxide, which has a vasodilator function in the body. Zinc stimulates growth hormone production and testosterone secretion. Magnesium in turn acts in muscle contraction and helps in gaining strength, essential for physical activity and, consequently, testosterone production.

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But what foods should I eat to get these nutrients?

Some foods rich in the mentioned nutrients are black beans, rice, grains in general, almonds, chestnuts, peanuts, dark green leaves (cabbage, broccoli), eggs and beef liver. In addition, lean meats are rich in zinc, fruits like apples and bananas. Fruits rich in vitamin C, such as lemon, orange, strawberry, passion fruit and tomato, should also be included, as this nutrient helps in hormone production.

Dangers of having a low testosterone level

Men with low testosterone levels have premature aging, stress, sleep problems, difficulty gaining mass, among others.

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