You need to eat these 4 vegetables: the healthiest for your health!

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Eat vegetables it may seem like an arduous task, even more so when we talk about choosing those that bring the most benefits to our body.

But know that some vegetables have a much higher nutrient content than others and are therefore considered healthier.

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Nutritionist Sarah Jones mentions, for example, that while one vegetable may be low in a certain nutrient, another may be an excellent source.

Therefore, it is essential to “eat a rainbow”. So let's introduce some of the most important vegetables. Get ready to have a colorful dish full of nutrients!


Cabbage is a true wonder of nature, full of essential nutrients for our body. With its high concentration of vitamins and minerals, this leafy green is a great choice for those who want to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

In addition, kale is a super versatile and tasty food, which can be easily incorporated into various recipes.

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And best of all: it is low in calories and fat, being an excellent source of fiber.

But the wonders of kale don't stop there, it is particularly rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which are key to supporting a strong and healthy immune system.


In addition to being delicious, it can bring many benefits to your health. According to experts on the subject, this vegetable has properties that can improve vision and prevent cancer.

This is thanks to the presence of zeaxanthin and carotenoids in its composition, which help eliminate free radicals from the body, responsible for some types of cancer.

And that's not all: a study published in the journal molecular nutrition food research found that eating spinach can reduce the risk of colon cancer by up to 50%!

Are you still not convinced? For know that spinach can also keep your eyesight healthy and boost your energy levels.


Did you know that leeks are a member of the allium family, along with onions, garlic, and shallots?

Plus, it's an incredible source of the B-vitamin folate, which is important for making blood cells. healthy red blood cells, is critical in pregnancy to reduce the risks of birth defects in babies unborn.

It does not stop there! Leeks also provide good sources of vitamin B1 and B6, which help the body break down and release energy from food.


Did you know that asparagus can be an incredible ally for your health? In addition to being a rich source of folate and vitamin C, which protect your cells and keep your skin, blood vessels, bones and cartilage healthy, it's also rich in vitamin E!

This vitamin is critical for keeping your skin glowing and healthy, having clear vision, and a strong immune system. But that is not all!

Asparagus also contains polyphenols, plant compounds that help reduce inflammation in the body. That means less weight gain, chronic fatigue, and insomnia.

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