Enem and Encceja will have an expanded response card

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The Enem and Encceja tests will have an expanded response card. The news was announced by Inep, which organizes the exams, this afternoon, May 17.

According to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), the new answer card will be offered to participants who have some type of visual impairment.

"The expanded response card was created with the aim of providing more autonomy and, consequently, isonomy to participants", reinforces the institute.

extended reply card 

=> How it was: printed in standard font (size 12) for all participants

=>How will it be: Made in A3 sheet and with font size 18

Inep states that, if the participant opts for the expanded Response Card, the assistance for transcription will be disabled at the time of registration. As for the regular card option, the option of assistance from a transcriber will be available.

See the Inep video below for all the news about the Enem and Encceja response card:


Another novelty is that the Enem and Encceja writing sheet will also be expanded for participants who need it. Now the sheet will be printed on A3 sheet.

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"To safeguard the similarity with the regular sheet, there will be a sheet and 25 lines for Encceja writing Elementary School and 30 lines for writing the Enem and Encceja Ensino Médio, with 1.5 cm spacing", warns the Inep.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

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The National High School Examination (Enem) is taken by students who have already finished high school and want to enter higher education.

Registration for Enem 2023 can be made from June 5th to 16th. The test will be applied on November 5th and 12th throughout Brazil.

Read the Enem 2023 Edict and find out how to register


The National Examination for the Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) aims to certify young people and adults who have not completed primary and secondary education at a regular age.

Encceja 2023 will receive registrations free of charge between May 22nd and June 2nd. The test is scheduled for the 27th of August.

Check out: All about Encceja - know what the exam is and how it works

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