Open letter. Open Letter Characteristics

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In many of the meetings we've had, you, dear user, had the opportunity to retake your knowledge about the textual genres, which are characterized as those different communicative situations that we share on a daily basis. Thus, upon meeting some of them, you could see that there are several that enable us to express our opinions on a given subject, such as the reader's letter, the undersigned, the argumentative letter, the manifesto, among others.

From now on, as it couldn't be different, let's get to know one more, in which we also have the opportunity to make it known that person in a specific way, or even to the knowledge of a community, a problem that urgently needs to be solved. When it comes to collectivity, it is because the problem pointed out in the letter may be addressed to a specific person, obviously with full powers to resolve the issue in question, as it can also be sent to the population, by example. In terms of placement, that is, the space in which the letter is usually expressed, it is usually portrayed in the media in general, that is, in newspapers, magazines and even in the medium electronic.

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In terms of structure, as this is a text in which argumentation prevails, it usually meets the following requirements:

# Title – must contain the addressee, that is, the body, or the person to which the letter is addressed, issued;

# Introduction – this element is revealed by the part where the problem to be solved is pointed out;

# Development - as the name implies, this part concerns the analysis of the problem in question, justified, obviously, with convincing arguments, which support the point of view of the issuer(s) (s);

# Conclusion - represents the part in which a solution to the discussed problem is pointed out.

After checking all the aspects, all the characteristics that demarcate the genre under study, the time has come for you to check it a little more closely, analyzing, of course, an open letter model:

The open letter is characterized as an argumentative genre


We just celebrated the smallest deforestation in the Amazon Forest in the last three years: 17 thousand square kilometers. It's almost half of Holland. Of the total area, we have already deforested 16%, equivalent to twice Germany and three states of São Paulo. There is no reason to celebrate. The Amazon is not the lung of the world, but it provides extremely important environmental services to Brazil and the Planet. This green expanse that extends for more than five million square kilometers is a thermal sheet engendered by nature so that the sun's rays do not reach the ground, providing the life of the most exuberant forest on earth and helping to regulate the temperature of the Planet.

After falling in their strength, raped by unscrupulous loggers, they set fire to their garments. emerald making way for outsiders who humiliate her by sowing grass and soy in the ashes of chestnut trees centenarians. Despite the extraordinary effort to implement conservation units as alternatives for sustainable development, the devastation continues. Even after Chico Mendes' blood sealed the man/nature harmony pact between rubber tappers and indigenous people, even after the alliance of the forest peoples “for right to keep our forests standing, because we depend on them to live”, even after countless sagas filled with heroism, death and passion for the Amazon, the devastation to be continued.

As in the past, we see the Forest as an obstacle to progress, as an area to be conquered and conquered. An immense stock of land to become unproductive pastures, soy fields and plant species for alternative fuels or an inexhaustible source of wood, fish, gold, minerals and energy electric. We remain an irresponsible people. Deforestation and fire are symbols of our inability to understand the delicacy and instability of the Amazon ecosystem and how to treat it.

A country that has 165,000 km2 of deforested, abandoned or semi-abandoned area can double its grain production without the need to fell a single tree. It is urgent that we become responsible for managing what is left of our valuable natural resources.

Therefore, in our view, as the only appropriate procedure to slow down the almost irreversible effects of the devastation, as determined by § 4, of Article 225 of the Federal Constitution, which reads:

"The Amazon Forest is a national heritage, and its use will be made, in accordance with the law, within conditions that ensure the preservation of the environment, including the use of resources natural.”

Thus, the IMMEDIATE INTERRUPTION OF DEFORESTATION IN THE AMAZON FORESTS must be implemented at Federal, State and Municipal levels. ALREADY!

It's time to see our trees as monuments to our culture and history.

*Available in
Amazon forever.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Open letter: what is it, structure, objective, example

Open letter: what is it, structure, objective, example

THE open letter it is a textual genre with the function of direct any message, question or reques...

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