Meaning of Alter ego (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Alter ego is a noun phrase with Latin origin "alter" (other) and "ego" (I) whose literal meaning is "the other me".

The expression alter ego is another personality of the same person, which can be a friend or someone close to whom one has complete trust.

In Literature, the alter ego means the hidden identity of a character, which can also be a strategy used by the author of the book to indirectly reveal himself to readers. In Brazilian literature, the character Emília, from Sítio do Picapau Amarelo, is considered by some critics as the alter ego of writer Monteiro Lobato.

In psychology, the alter ego is someone's second personality, another unconscious self that reveals itself through multiple identities. It is associated with the pathology "Dissociative Identity Disorder".

Someone's alter ego can also be a very close and intimate person whom you trust too much. It is that person who conveys the impression that he would have similar attitudes in different situations.

Alter Ego (Game)

Alter Ego is the name of a computer game developed by Future Games studio and released in the US in July 2011. The adventure, set in England, involves the investigation of mysterious and terrifying murders, providing the player with moments of great terror.

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