Understand what Sashimi is 🍣

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sashimi is a Japanese delicacy, made with small pieces of raw fish or sliced ​​seafood and served with shoyo, wasabi, ginger or other oriental spices.

Sashimi comes from japanese sashi ("pierced" or "stuck") and mi ("body" or "flesh"), meaning "pierced meat" or "pierced body". The explanation for the name is in the fishing technique of the fish that were used in the preparation of the sashimi.


Traditionally, fish were caught one by one and killed with a cut on the head. Then, they were put on ice so they could stay fresh longer. Another theory is that the fish were cut into small pieces and hung by hooks, before being served in the meal.

You sashimi dominated the western world, being a dish enjoyed in almost every country. However, the dish has undergone numerous changes since its original version, giving rise to dozens of sashimi variations, mixing characteristic elements from every part of the world. You sashimi vegetarians and raw red meats (beef or horse) are the most uncommon, while the Sashimi of salmon can be considered the most appreciated, especially in the western world.

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In the original recipe, the sashimi accompany rice and Miso Soup (miso soup, prepared from soy and tofu). However, in the western world, almost every type of dish that is made with raw fish is called Sashimi.

In Japan, the sashimi they are almost always the first course of a formal meal, so that the seasoning of other dishes does not interfere with the palate when eating the Sashimi. Traditionally, this is a delicacy of great prestige and honor.

know more about Sushi and types of sushi.


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