Consequences of aging for the locomotor system

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Aging is a natural process that, unfortunately, occurs with all living beings, including humans. With advancing age, several problems arise in our body, and the most affected part is the locomotor system.

The locomotor system is formed by the muscular system, skeletal system and by the joints. Its fundamental role is to ensure that the body moves. Over the years, the components of this important system undergo changes and, consequently, the ability to move around decreases.


The muscles, with advancing age, decrease in mass and, with that, lose their strength. Some studies indicate that, around 60 years of age, a decrease in maximum muscle strength between 30% and 40% is verified. This loss of muscle strength causes the elderly's ability to walk to be affected, since it is essential for the motor ability.

Although the decrease in muscle mass occurs with advancing age, the decrease in growth hormone and lack of physical activity are also related to the problem. In addition, diet and other health problems can trigger this reduction in mass, requiring physical exercise and a healthy diet.

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Bones also suffer from aging, and it is very common for the occurrence of decreased bone density. Bone loss can be mild or lead to more severe conditions, triggering, for example,osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a health problem that causes bones to become weak and brittle. For this reason, people with the problem suffer serious injuries even with minor tumbles. There are different types of osteoporosis: some due to menopause, others related to age, and those from secondary causes such as kidney or endocrine diseases.

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This bone problem, common after 70 years of age, can be prevented with some simple activities, such as diet rich in calcium, physical exercise and the elimination of bad habits for the body, such as smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages excessively. In addition, experts recommend the decrease in doses of coffee and the amount of salt in food.


It's not just bones and muscles that suffer from aging, joints also have age-related problems. THE osteoarthritis it is the most common joint disease in people over 65 years of age.

Osteoarthrosis causes wear of the articular cartilage, that is, the cartilage found on the surface of the bones that form a joint. This problem can cause morning stiffness, pain, muscle atrophy, cracking joints, and narrowing of the intra-articular space.

What can be done to improve these discomforts resulting from advancing age?

The problems of the locomotor system can be minimized through a healthy diet and, mainly, with physical exercise. Carrying out activities that improve coordination and balance and strengthen the musculature is essential to improve the quality of life and increase the mobility of the elderly. It is noteworthy that some health problems cause limitations, therefore, no physical activity should be done without a doctor being consulted.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Consequences of aging for the locomotor system"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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