Behaviors of your teenager that could be a red flag

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The adolescence phase is always delicate, after all, there are many changes that can often be difficult to deal with. Therefore, when our children reach this stage, it is necessary to redouble their attention to some habits of teenagers who are worrisome. Therefore, if you notice any of them in your child, turn on the alert signal, after all, he may need help.

Signs your child may need help

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During adolescence, our body undergoes several changes, whether physical, psychological or emotional. All these changes, due to the phase's lack of maturity, cause a real internal confusion that can lead teenagers to engage in a variety of worrisome and harmful behaviors.

Sadness, fear and uncertainty are common feelings in adolescents that trigger several other problems. Therefore, family attention and support are essential for passing through this phase. So, if you have a teenage child, be aware of the signs.

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screen addiction

High screen exposure can generate various emotional and vision problems. After all, several children began to have problems seeing, even without a family history that contributes to this.

deregulated sleep

Maintaining a regulated sleep routine is essential to relieve stress levels, keep the body active and help the individual to build daily routines. However, this is not the reality for most adolescents, resulting in difficulties in focusing, learning, among others.

social anxiety

Due to the pandemic, teenagers stayed a long time without going to school, and because of this, many of them developed a fear of meeting new people or interacting with someone in person. As a result, some of them became extremely insecure and had low self-esteem.

Misuse of social media

It is common for teenagers, when using social networks, to talk to strangers and share much of your life with them, which can be very worrying because the virtual world can be extremely dangerous. In addition, virtual friendships mean that teenagers do not feel the need to build real bonds.

Difficulty with academic life

It is very common to find teenagers with serious difficulties at school, this happens for several reasons and one of them is the difficulty of keeping focus in class. Some teenagers even have undiagnosed disorders that can contribute to this.

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