Predicative of the subject. Knowing the subject's predicate

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So that you can fully understand the subject that we will deal with from now on, I invite you to return to some knowledge portrayed through the textsKnowing a little more about the characteristics of the predicate" and "linking verbs”.

Continuing our learning, an aspect considered if not the most important, when it comes to the subject predicative, it concerns the predication of the verb, that is, it only occurs with linking verbs, that is, those that indicate the state of being of the subject. So, looking at the examples that follow, we have:

The subject's predicative attributes to the subject a characteristic

The girl é lovely.

Mommy it is happy.

The teacher stayed furious.

The students remained silent.

In all the examples we see the presence of the subject, represented by the element that is underlined, as well as the terms that have the function of qualifying this subject, which are highlighted in a different color, once represented by: beautiful, happy, furious and silent.

Returning to what we have already learned, it is worth stating that they are all characterized as adjectives, which belong to the ten grammatical classes. So it's about the

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predicative of the subject, which is nothing more than the element that links the subject to a qualification (characteristic) through a connecting verb.

Reaffirming, we have that the subject's predicative only occurs with linking verbs and qualifies as the term that attributes a characteristic to the subject.

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